It has been a long, long hiatus, but I have decided to make a comeback with the C25K. My little man is 5 1/2 months old now and I've decided no time is better than now to get back in the game. Starting the 1st of June I am on a mission!
It's weird because since my post where I mentioned the root canal, I have moved three times AND had my little man in December. Now that we're settled in our new place (and unlikely to move again for at least a couple years) I want to get back to work on fixing me.
I gained about 30-35 lbs with my pregnancy and through breastfeeding I lost 20-25 lbs of that the first month following. So that means roughly 10 lbs until I am my pre-pregnancy weight. I want to try to get to that point on my own before re-joining WW.
I said before it wouldn't be an easy journey and that I would do it as long as it, here's to sticking with it as best I can and hopefully 2010 will be my year.